《Idol Showdown》火爆登場!Hololive格鬥遊戲免費上架Steam,還有更多角色即將加入!


Besto Game團隊推出了《Idol Showdown》,一款由Hololive粉絲開發,採用回滾網路技術(Rollback)的Hololive格鬥遊戲。遊戲在Steam平台上以免費遊玩的形式推出,適用於PC,本作一開始共有八個角色可供選擇,未來還計劃免費推出至少三名新的戰鬥角色。

目前《Idol Showdown》的遊戲評價是1,291則的壓倒性好評,在 Steam 平台上獲得絕佳的迴響,甚至有人疾呼:「桐生会に栄光あれ 桐生会は不滅なり!」


This is a free unofficial fan-made project, made out of love for hololive, hololive fans, and the fighting game genre.

After 2 long years of hard work, the first complete fan-made hololive fighting game is here!

◆ Easy Controls
Pick up on this game’s easy-to-learn control scheme in no time to get straight into playing. Even hololive fans who are inexperienced with traditional fighting games can have fun!

◆ Rollback Netcode
Besto Games has been hard at work developing the game’s online rollback netcode to make the online experience as smooth as we can.

◆ An Immersive hololive Experience
Explore the vast world of hololive from our roster of iconic hololive talents, with moves inspired by their most memorable moments and personality traits. Fight across the virtual world in lovingly recreated hololive locations. Jam out to remixes of your favorite hololive original songs while raising idol hell.

◆ Fast 2D Combat
hololive talents are reimagined as core fighting game archetypes with a unique twist. Raise chaos in the battlefield with flashy attacks and high-octane action.

「 Idol Showdown」宣傳影片


Via – Free-to-play Hololive fighting game Idol Showdown now available for PC


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